
4 video examples for your e-commerce

Online commerce does not stop growing. Every day there are more buyers who choose to use digital rather than face-to-face. The main advantages are that you don't have to travel to find what you're looking for, you can get the best price and, what's more, they bring it to your home. 

But creating a successful eCommerce is not as easy as it seems. In most cases, whenever demand increases, supply increases. That is why now more than ever you have to reinvent yourself and stand out from the competition. In this article we will talk about the importance that video is taking in eCommerce and how it is becoming an emerging strategy that you cannot ignore.

What is eCommerce video?

The eCommerce video is a marketing technique that consists of integrating videos in different parts of an online store. When online commerce began, there were still many technological limitations that made it possible to get the most out of the shopping experience. Computers and smartphones were not as powerful as they are now, fiber was less fast, and Google rewards websites that load quickly. The eCommerce companies had no choice but to put images and text, giving priority to written information over audiovisual content. 

Luckily for online shoppers, this is already radically changing. Now we have a totally different and improved experience. Images have been left behind to make way for videos, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and 5g.

The advantages of differentiating yourself with technology are overwhelming. The more resources you give your potential customers to see your products, the more chances you have to convert them into sales. Surprise, build loyalty and you will win.


Below we leave you examples of large companies that are already implementing it in different parts of the online store and it works wonderfully for them:


Lush Lush is a cosmetics retail company based in Poole, Dorset, UK. He has managed to increase his retention and conversion rate in his eCommerce thanks to the creation of GIFs for each of his products. Get dynamism, improve the aesthetics of the page and also show the product in much more detail.

4 video examples for your e-commerce


PC Componentes is the number 1 e-commerce portal in Spain. Specialized in computer products, electronics and household appliances. They have been putting videos in their product descriptions for a while now. For them the video is so important that they include it almost at the beginning of the technical characteristics. They ensure that manufacturers that generate promotional videos get more sales than those that do not.

4 video examples for your e-commerce


The king of electronic commerce could not be missing from this list. Although Amazon has received a lot of criticism about the design of its platform, simplicity seems to be one of the keys to its success. To boost sales, they empower users by allowing them to add a video of the product they have received. So they can show the status of the product, even give their opinion.

4 video examples for your e-commerce


Zalando is an online fashion store specializing in the sale of shoes and clothing. It is one of the most prospected eCommerce in recent times. It has been one of the pioneers in empowering the user with advice to improve the use of its products, be it with advice on purchase, maintenance or even customization. This is the case of Zalando, which recently opened a section on its website with “do it yourself” videos created by retail influencers. A good example that the video can be present in all stages of consumer purchase.

4 video examples for your e-commerce

We have already seen a few examples of use, each sector has different opportunities, but they all have something in common. Video is changing the way we consume information thanks to recent technological improvements. At FlitCut we are constantly innovating to be able to make video accessible on a recurring basis. If you are thinking of starting, you canhave a look to our vMarket where you will find all the types of videos we make.