4 keys to promote your video online

Have one or more videos to promote your products, services or even your company, that is, with Corporate videos, is an element essential to achieve more impact. That is why you must take maximum care of its preparation, recording and production. The best for it is leave the whole process in the hands of professionals, like the ones from FlitCut. But you must not stop there: you have to promote your video online.

As much care as you put into the creation of each video, you have to adopt the most appropriate strategy so that it reaches the maximum number of people in your target audience.


Only in this way will you achieve the goals you set for yourself. It may seem difficult at first to achieve this, but promoting your video online is not excessively difficult. All you have to do is follow a few simple tips so that nothing is left to chance and you get the maximum possible diffusion. Here they are:

How to promote your video online

Before starting to promote your video online you must take into account a series of factors. It is unlikely that you have to worry that the video is intended for the Internet, since if you have ordered it for this, it is enough that you mention it before the beginning of its preparation and recording. What you will have to do is develop a strategy that will help you promote your video online, as you will see below.

1 - Post your video on YouTube. The first step to promoting your video online is to upload it to the Internet. But not to any web. It is very good, and it is perfect, that for example you upload it to your website. But if you get the chance, you'd better post it on YouTube video portal. In it you will have to open a channel for your company or brand. You can then upload the video to it. When you do, you will already have your online video.

4 keys to promote your video online

2 - Share the link to the video from other web pages. Although YouTube allows you to search for videos for those who come to your page to find videos, it is better to give it a push. For this you must share the link on other sites. For example, on web pages or, depending on their theme, in related forums and including question and answer portals, in case the video is on a topic related to what is proposed in each case. You can too request to be included in blogsalthough in any case your binding should always be natural. Be careful inserting it into posts on directly related topics, or it will be very obvious that you are only doing it to promote or promote yourself.

3 - Post it on social media. The social media They are a very important pillar to promote an online video. Therefore, do not hesitate to promote your video online through them. For this you will have to have, yes, created accounts in which you find interesting. Both you and your company. Obviously, the more followers you have on them, the more likely your video will go further and be seen more.

4 keys to promote your video online

4 - Choose well on which networks you should publish the video, and how. For example, Facebook y Twitter they will allow you link it smoothly. But on other networks you may need to use a prepared video specifically. It is the case of Instagram, a network with increasing pull for the promotion of products and services. But this network only allows you to upload short videos, one minute maximum. Therefore, even before recording your video, you need to think carefully about which networks your audience is on, to prepare them for them.

These are some of the actions you can take to promote your video online. As you will see, they are very simple and go through publish it and move it through other websites and social networkss. If you carry them out, you will see that your video begins to receive more and more visits and becomes more popular. Launch yourself to promote your video online!