4 types of video to use in your Email Marketing campaigns

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of users using the Internet has increased, and more and more companies are choosing to advertise over the Internet. one of the tools most used by companies is email marketing, which consists of sending information to a specific group of contacts, who have previously provided their data, by email.

These messages may contain information about products or services offered by the company; satisfaction surveys and forms for customers to give their opinion about the brand; or different types of news and news, among other options. In addition, there are several techniques that can help further increase the effectiveness of video marketing. For example, you can use different types of videos, like the ones we tell you about below.

1. Ads or promotional videos

The advertising videos or promotional messages that advertise the different products or services of a brand or company are the most common in email marketing campaigns. This is due to their great efficiency and the many possibilities they offer.

These videos are very different from those explanatory ones in which the characteristics and operation of the products are detailed; in this case, the objective of the promotional videos is grab the attention of new customers, presenting the products or services of the company in a striking and creative way.

In addition, promotional videos are ideal for introduce new products and create intrigue and interest before launch.

2. Product Tutorials

The tutorials or videos that explain in detail how to use a product they are also an effective email marketing tool. This is because this type of content is especially useful and practical For the users.

In other words, making video tutorials is a way of communicating with the client more directly. At the same time, this type of video allows users to learn about a brand's products in greater detail.

3. Videos to publicize your brand

We must not forget those videos that will help the public to better understand the values ​​of your brand. These videos are not intended to increase the sales of a business, but are intended to bring the company closer to users, presenting its values ​​and objectives.

An example is the videos used to congratulate Christmas: they do not present or promote any specific product or service, but rather try to establish a certain connection between the brand and the public.

4 types of video to use in your Email Marketing campaigns
4 types of video to use in your Email Marketing campaigns

4. Videos about events

Finally, we can also use videos that talk about events organized by the company. These types of videos can be used both for invite users to attend future eventsAs for communicate information about past events, so that the public can learn about the brand and its values.

The videos used in email marketing campaigns must have the appropriate structure and be of a professional quality.

We are aware that the planning, recording and editing process can seem complicated; so the best solution is outsource video department with a professional, specialized company with years of experience, such as FlitCut. You dare? Contact us!