10 ways to include a CALL TO ACTION button in your video

El CALL TO ACTION button (a concept that is also known as CTA, or as 'call to action') serves to call and capture the attention of potential future customers who visit a company's website, its social networks, its YouTube channel...

As its name indicates, it is a call to action from a company towards customers; It is a way of inviting them to do something such as, among others, subscribe to a newsletter, watch a promotional video, download a product catalogue, follow your page on a specific social network, share the content they have published with their friends or family...

There are many different types of call to action, and we can find them in different sections of a web page or platform. Their position and situation, the size, the text they contain and their function will always depend on the objectives of each company., and the purpose of that particular call to action. Today we tell you in greater detail everything you need to know about this strategy. We also talk about the main features of a CTA, and we give you 10 ideas for you to include a call to action button in your company's videos.

Call to action: What is it?

As we have commented, the call to action is a call to action. What does this mean? means it is a way to invite users to perform different types of actions, such as subscribing to a platform, sending a message, accessing a web page, or downloading a document, among other possibilities. We could also say that it is a way to establish some kind of relationship or communication between the company and a future client.

Include a CALL TO ACTION button in your video

Therefore, including a call to action in the different blog entries of our company, in the announcements that we publish on social networks, or in the emails that we send to users subscribed to the newsletter, is something very important. It is a form of establish a more direct connection with said users and invite them, through different calls to action, to get to know the company; to discover the products or services that a brand offers; or to become customers, for example.

The type of call to action that we use will depend on several factors, such as the type of content it accompanies (text, an image, a promotional video...) or the place where it is located (the main website of a company, a blog, a social network, a platform like YouTube…). Next, we talk about the main types of calls to action that we can use.

What are the main types of CTAs?

As we have discussed, different types of content will be accompanied by different types of calls to action. In relation to the format of the call to action, we must highlight these three types, which are the most common and, therefore, the most used by companies:

  • call-to-action button. It is a way of inviting the user to perform a specific action by making click in a button. This button can contain different types of messages. We can find this type of CTA on web pages or videos, among others.
  • Image or banner. Another way to create a call to action is through an image or a banner, that is, a photo that contains a direct and clear message that invites users to subscribe, make a purchase or register on a web page, among other things. odds. It is common to find calls to action in image format on web pages and blogs.
  • Enlace. Another very common type of call to action in blogs is the use of links. These invite users to go, through a link, to a specific section of the web page, such as the catalog or the contact page.

Characteristics of an effective CTA

There are several aspects that we must take into account if we want to create an effective call to action that helps us attract customers and increase the traffic of our company's website, or the number of followers of the brand's accounts on social networks. In order to generate an effective CTA it will be necessary, first of all, to define the target audience we want to address.

This will help us decide what type of call to action will be most effective. It will also be necessary to use the appropriate language. One of the main characteristics of calls to action is the use of action verbs like buying, downloading or subscribing. It is also very common to use imperatives.

On the other hand, the message should be concise, direct and easy to understand. It is advisable to use short and catchy sentences, and transmit to users, in a few words, what benefits it can bring them to go to the link in question. For example, if it is a call to action that invites users to subscribe to a newsletter, you can inform them about the benefits that this will bring them. Some of these benefits could be receiving news of your interest, or obtaining discount codes on special occasions.

Of course, the location of the call to action is also a fundamental element to take into account. It must be visible, and it should be in a place on the page where it can be easily found

Why should you include a call to action button in your video?

We have commented that a call to action can be used in different types of content, and one of the most effective is the video format. The pandemic has triggered Internet consumption, and there are many users who spend several hours a day browsing their favorite social networks. Video is a very striking format, since it allows information to be transmitted in a creative way; at the same time, it is also a very efficient format, since it is a convenient and practical way for users to obtain information.

Include a CALL TO ACTION button in your video

When posting videos on a company's social networks, or on platforms like YouTube, it is important to add a call to action button. In this way, we will be able to take advantage of all the benefits that we have talked about. There are many ways to include a call to action in a video, depending on the action we want to invite users to take.

Ideas to include a call to action in your company's videos

Next, we will discuss some very simple but effective text examples that companies can use in the call to action button of the videos they publish on social networks or on their website.

1. Register now

The messages 'Sign up now', 'Subscribe' or 'Join' are some of the most frequent to write in the call to action button of a video. They are perfect for inviting viewers of said video to register on a web page; subscribe to a YouTube channel; or join a newsletter, among other examples. these invitations may be accompanied by a brief explanation of the advantages of subscribing or join a channel, or the type of content that users will be able to find there.

2. Contact us

'Contact us' is a very common message on call to action buttons, especially on web pages. They are a way of take users to a specific form where they can fill in different fields with their data. They will also be able to write a personalized message consulting their doubts or asking any type of general information to the company in question. Although email contact is also a good option, using forms is a quick and agile way for customers to contact brands.

The CALL TO ACTION button allows you to invite users to interact with your brand content. Do you want to know how to use it?
Include a CALL TO ACTION button in your video

3. Watch video

'Watch video' or 'Play video' are very common calls to action on YouTube videos. Through this call to action button, you will be inviting users to stay on your channel on said platform, and to continue viewing content. In this way, users will acquire much more information about the company and will know the brand in greater detail, which may lead them to be interested in the products it sells or the services it offers.

4. I want more information

A call to action button with the message 'I want more information' is ideal for those companies that offer services. For example, an agency that publishes videos with information about the different services offered by the company could use a button with this message to take users to a page where all this information is detailed. This type of message could also lead to a contact form. Thus, users could request personalized information.

5. Follow us

Another of the most common and practical messages for a call to action button on social networks is 'Follow us'. Social networks serve as a boost for brands, and increasing the number of followers is one of the main ways to make the products of these brands popular. Therefore, a very good option is to use this type of call to action button to invite users to follow your brand.

Include a CALL TO ACTION button in your video

6. Try it for free

Messages like 'Try it free' or 'Start your free trial now' are ideal for companies that offer subscription plans. Offering a free trial period is the ideal way to introduce a service to customers; In this way, they will be able to assess whether the service in question is useful and practical in their day to day.

7. Create an account

Inviting users to create an account is a call to action very common on social networks and video platforms, For example. However, it can also be very effective for companies that offer services that require the creation of an account. An example would be a company that offers personalized subscription plans, and that invites users to select their preferences through their personal account.

8. Add to cart

Online stores often use the 'Add to cart' call to action, since it is a very common way of inviting users to buy a product they have just viewed. It can be a very effective call to action for those promotional videos that introduce or advertise a product. It can also be used to announce news or promotional products, among others.

9. Download now

There are several occasions in which we can invite users to download documents from a web page, and one of the most common is the case of e-books. Writing ebooks for a company's clients offers many advantages. Are very useful resources for users, easy to download and generate attention. In addition, they are a way to show customers that a brand wants to provide solutions and keep customers informed at all times. On the other hand, the e-books They may also include information about the services offered by a company.

10. Tell us your opinion

We know that video is one of the most effective types of content on the internet today. They help promote products effectively; They offer many creative options; they transmit information in a direct way, and this is easy for users to remember; and can be easily shared with other users.

However, we must not forget that those videos that we publish on YouTube or on social networks can also help us to find out the opinion of our customers. Therefore, it is important invite them to leave a review or express their opinion, either about the video in question, or about the brand's products.

On the other hand, the 'Share' message is also very effective, taking into account the popularity of content in video format. Inviting users to share your company's videos with their friends and family will make your company known to many more people.

Conclusion about the CALL TO ACTION button

The call to action button is a very effective tool, but don't forget to explain, in your company's promotional videos, the reasons why users should trust your brand. Do you want to design a marketing strategy focused on your target audience and based on effective and innovative content in video format? FlitCut is the complete solution for the creation and management of videos of your company that you are looking for.